After an awesome festival, our 25th festival! we want to thank the masschoir for an absolutely fantastic effort throughout the festival weekend and especially we want to thank you for your efforts during the concert on Sunday night, completely magical!
Anki and Magnus Spångberg and your musicians from Örebro and Örbyhus, Jonas, Pelle, Patrik and Andreas you made the festival into a rocking gospel adventure.
Anki and Magnus you are worth your weight in gold for us and the festival! Thanks for working together with us and Gävle Gospel Festival for almost 25 years!!! Let´s make it another 25😊!
Cynthia Nunn, this was your first time at Gävle Gospel Festival! So good to have you! Thank you for your inspiration and the gospel trip you took us on during the festival weekend, a fantastic experience. We love your energy, it really spread inspiration😊. We feel so blessed that you were a part of our festival!
Sarah Dawn Finer, we are so happy to have you!! You really are an amazing singer! We love your songs and the personal sound that you have. You were awesome!
We would also like to thank The Gospel Project and Agust Sewon who did an amazing effort in the concert.
Stefan Sjöman, you and Cynthia did a great duet! Thank you for your participation in the festival!
Last but not least, Denise Lemoine our dancer. It was magic Denise! Together with the soloist Maria Lee you two made a magical song together.
We would also like to thank you, dear audience. It´s very inspiring to have such a devoted audience who each year comes to Gävle Concert Hall to participate in our festival and listen to gospel music.
After talking with both singers and the audience, we can say with great conviction that this was a really great festival! The best so far!
Many warm gospel greetings and love,
Anna & Hans Helmerson, project managers
Erika Planeskog, Bilda – education association
Ingrid Lonér, Sensus – education association
Projektledare: Anna och Hans Helmerson, 070 – 593 60 09
Bilda: Erika Planeskog, 070 – 208 24 46
Sensus: Ingrid Lonér, 018- 66 19 61, 070 – 462 81 44
Gävle Gospel i samarbete med studieförbunden Sensus och Bilda, Gävle Konserthus, Gävle Kristna Råd, Betlehemskyrkan samt Nöjespoolen.

Fotograf, Erik Larsson
Anna & Hans Helmerson, projektledare